Real Estate Photography Packages
Welcome to my Real Estate Photography Packages and A La Carte options. I am pleased to announce all real estate photography includes sky replacements, grass greening, TV screen replacements, adding fire to fireplaces, cord
removal, touchups (ex. stains, cracks), and community amenities (such as clubhouse, fitness center, pools, and parks). Please make your selections below and I will be in touch to confirm dates and times. Thank you for choosing me.
Photography Packages
(Ideal for budget-conscious clients, smaller listing & rentals)
25 Interior and Exterior Photos
2D Basic Floorplan (no measurements)
(Ideal for Mid-sized listing)
40 Interior and Exterior Photos
Drone Photos
2D Schematic Floorplan with Fixed Furniture and Room Measurements
(Most Popular)
40 Interior and Exterior Photos
Drone Photos
1 Virtual Twilight Photos
3D Floorplan with Colors and Textures
2D Schematic Floorplan with Fixed Furniture and Measurements
(All Inclusive)
40 Interior and Exterior Photos
Drone Photos
2 Virtual Twilight Photos
3D Floorplan with Colors and Textures
2D Schematic Floorplan with Fixed Furniture and Measurements
MLS Video up to 2 Minutes
Social Media Vertical Video
Photo of Realtor at Property
A La Carte
Photography Pricing
Listings under $750k: $335 (40+ edited photos)
Listings $750k - $2M: $350 (40+ edited photos)
Listings $2M - $4M: $400 (40+ edited photos)
Aerial/Drone Services
Drone with Photography (8 edited photos): $150
Drone with Photography (4 edited photos): $80
Drone Only (4 edited photos): $150
Twilight Photography
Genuine Twilight Photography (5 exterior edited photos): $200
Virtual Twilight Photography: $15 per photo
3D Floorplan with colors and textures (includes 2D schematic floorplan with fixed furniture): $150
2D schematic floorplan with fixed furniture and measurements: included with 3D floorplans
Virtual Staging / Virtual Furniture Replacement
Digitally furnish and decorate a home’s interior: $35 per photo
Digitally remove existing furniture and replace with new virtual furnishings: $45 per photo
Up to 1 min (2 videos - one for MLS and one with realtor info for social media): $250
Up to 2 min (2 videos - one for MLS and one with realtor info for social media): $350
Additional Services
Object Removal: $25-$50 depending on object(s) and location(s)
Social Media Vertical Video
$85 (about 20-30 seconds ready to post)
20/20/20 Package
Renovation Package with three separate trips: $600 (includes 20 before, 20 during, 20 after).
Event Photography/Videography
$300 per hour, minimum of 2 hours
Realtor Portrait
$250 (4 beautifully hand-edited portraits)